Here Are Some Important Tips To Identify Scams and Keep Your Account And Information Safe

Here Are Some Important Tips To Identify Scams and Keep Your Account And Information Safe

Here Are Some Important Tips To Identify Scams and Keep Your Account And Information Safe

  1. Trust Amazon-owned channels.
    Always go through the Amazon mobile app or website when seeking customer service, tech support, or when looking to make changes to your account.
  2. Be wary of false urgency.
    Scammers may try to create a sense of urgency to persuade you to do what they're asking. Be wary any time someone tries to convince you that you must act now.
  3. Never pay over the phone.
    Amazon will never ask you to provide payment information, including gift cards (or “verification cards,” as some scammers call them) for products or services over the phone.
  4. Verify links first.Legitimate Amazon websites contain "" or "" Go directly to our website when seeking help with Amazon devices/services, orders or to make changes to your account.

For more information on how to stay safe online, visit Security & Privacy on the Amazon Customer Service page.

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Post Date:
July 25, 2023
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Malwarebytes LABS

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With scams at an all-time high, here are some tips when dealing with Amazon. 1. Trust Amazon-owned channels. 2. Be wary of false urgency.